Clerk and Recorder's Office
The Clerk and Recorder’s Office preserves the records of Jefferson County including deeds, subdivisions, surveys, birth and death certificates. Public Records can be searched using the link below, right. Filing fee information can be found using the links below.
Budget Information
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Expenditure Budget
Current Month Expenditure Budget
Search Laserfiche Records for Minutes Resolutions and other Public Documents
A total of five different people can use the search at once; if you are unable to access it, please try again later. If you need to look something up right away, please come into the Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Boulder. Search Laserfiche here (this site is under construction and you may see an invalid certificate warning).
Search of Public Records
Records recorded or filed since April 1, 1980, have been automated and are easily accessed by computer. The grantor/grantee index provided for you on this web site will enable you to search public records of the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder’s office. Conversion of older records is an ongoing effort. Search Public Records
Filing and Recording Fees
A printable list of filing and recording fees can be found here:
Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder’s Office supports the submission of electronic documents. A list of vendors is available here.
Ginger Kunz, Clerk & Recorder
102 S. Monroe St
PO Box H
Boulder, MT 59632
phone: (406) 225-4020
fax: (406) 225-4149
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 12:00pm, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Forms and Documents
- Affidavit of Annual Representation
- Affidavit of Death
- Birth Certificate Application
- Certificate of Location
- Death Certificate Application
- Homestead Declaration
- Homestead Declaration Worksheet
- How to Transfer Real Property in a Joint Tenancy or Life Estate without Probate
- Joint Tenancy Quit Claim Deed
- Power of Attorney
- Quit Claim Deed
- Realty Transfer Certificate
- Records Request Form
- Revocable Transfer on Death Deed
- Revocation of Beneficiary Deed
- Termination of Joint Tenancy
- Transfer on Death Deeds in Montana