Solid Waste

Permits are required to use Jefferson County Solid Waste sites!!

There is no additional charge to residents with permits when they dispose of residential waste generated on Jefferson County property if the annual $149.69 unit assessment (on your tax statement) has been paid unless noted below. Permits can be obtained from the Solid Waste District office located at 111 Odyssey Lane (at the south end of Boulder) or call (406) 225-4159. There is a $5 fee for additional permits. Only two permits will be issued per household. There will be an additional fee of $5 for lost or stolen permits. Renters need to obtain a permit from their landlord. Expired permits need to be renewed at the Solid Waste Office. Please call ahead for an appointment.


 Other fees may apply if permit is not displayed. Out of county residents  will be charged $50.00 per cubic yard.


Speed limit 5 mph at all sites! No smoking! No Cell Phones!

What’s Accepted:

All garbage, rubbish, solidified paint and trash produced through typical residential activity. Please bring your own tools needed to unload. Jefferson County does NOT provide tools or staff for unloading.


What’s Not Accepted:

* Liquid waste – Cleaning solutions, non-petroleum and paint 

* Infectious waste

* Flammable products

* EPA rated hazardous waste

* Radioactive waste

* Herbicides

* Cooking grease

* Asbestos

* Contaminated dirt

* Sludge

* Sewage tanks

* Burn Barrels

* Poles or wood treated with pentachlorophenol

* Fuel tanks

* Any thing with a VIN number

* Bags of stained rags


Note that rock, dirt, bricks, large truck loads (greater than 4 feet in height, width, or length) of wire, big chunks of iron, engine blocks, axles, big pipes, tractor/truck tires, etc. are only accepted at the Boulder and Whitehall sites. Also note that this is not an all-inclusive list of restrictions; please check with the Solid Waste Department before taking large loads to a container site.

Tire Fees

Passenger Tire – $3.00

Large Truck Tire – $7.00

Heavy Equipment Tire – $10.00

*Per tire

Rims are to be removed prior

Inert Waste 
Brick, concrete, clean soil or rock. 
Fee – $15/cu yd
Inert waste (Class III waste) must have all bagging removed.

No large loads over 2 cu yd!

ONLY 2 loads of inert waste daily

Woody Waste 
Brush, limbs, logs, pine needles, grass, and garden waste accepted.
NO painted, treated, plywood, OSB or particleboard!
NO large loads over 2 cu yd!

ONLY 2 loads of brush daily!

ALL wood placed in a dumpster must be 4 foot or shorter in length!

No tree stumps!


Construction- Demolition – Remodeling Waste
C&D waste included but not limited to:

Drywall, gypsum board, insultation, fiberglass, fireproofing material, veneer, vinyl, roofing materials, bailing twine or wrap, painted/treated wood (fiberwood, particleboard, paperboard, plywood, pressboard, chipboard, pressure treated wood, wood composites), asphalt (paving & shingles), laminate, leather, linoleum, carpet & padding, construction tiles, porcelain bathroom fixtures, styrofoam and textiles. 


Fee-  $20.00 per cubic yard. 



Burn barrels are not accepted. Hot ashes CANNOT be dumped into the dumpster or wood pile. 


Refrigerant Units
Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, water coolers, and anything containing Freon gas. 
 Fee – $20
Note: Doors must be removed for safety reasons and the unit must have shelves and contents removed. 
Mattress Fees

Disposal of all sized mattresses.

Fee – $10 


All transfer sites are closed ONLY on the Federal Holiday.

    • Martin Luther King Jr Day, January 15
    • President’s Day, February 19
    • Memorial Day,  May 27
    • Independence Day, July 4
    • Labor Day, September 2
    • Columbus Day, October 14
    • Election Day, November 5
    • Veteran’s Day, November 11
    • Thanksgiving Day , November 28
    • Christmas Day, December 25
    • New Year’s Day, January 1, 2025
Cell Phone Policy 
Please do not use your cell phone when entering  container sites in Jefferson County.
The number one cause of injuries and fatalities of solid waste workers are distracted drivers. Residents NOT complying with this rule may be asked to leave and make other arrangements for disposing of their trash.  

Mike Myers

111 Odyssey Lane

Boulder, MT

Phone: 406-225-4159

Office Hours:

By appointment only!!


Days Open

10:00 – 5:30

70 Little Boulder Rd


60 Paul Gulch Rd


Montana City:
50 McClellan Creek Rd

Monday – Sunday
(Open every day)

18 Shady Lane


Jefferson City:
21 Spring St


1 Cataract Rd

April – September Tuesday



Elk Park:
A contract was implemented October 15, 1994 so Elk Park residents could use either the Butte Silver-Bow landfill or any Jefferson County container site.

A downloadable PDF of the Solid Waste Department Flyer with useful information including fees is available here


Let’s all do our part to keep our county clean. Leave your trash at the container sites, not along the roadside.

What Recyclable materials are collected at each site:

Each site has a “Re-Use-It area” also called “Up-For-Grabs” for useable donated items.


Basin Site:

Used oil, anti-freeze & car batteries. Also, clean yard waste such as limbs, brush and grass clippings and inert waste (but no plastic bags).



 Boulder Transfer Site:

Aluminum cans, steel/tin cans, paper, cardboard, bulk metals, used oil, anti-freeze & car batteries. Also, clean yard waste such as limbs, brush and grass clippings and inert waste (but no plastic bags).


Clancy Site:

Bulk metals, used oil, anti-freeze,  cardboard & car batteries.



Jefferson City Transfer Site:

Bulk metals, used oil, anti-freeze & car batteries.



Montana City Transfer Site:

Aluminum cans, steel/tin cans, paper, cardboard, bulk
metals, used oil, anti-freeze & car batteries. Also, clean yard waste such as limbs, brush, and grass clippings and inert waste (but no plastic bags).




Whitehall Transfer Site:

Aluminum cans, steel/tin cans, cardboard, bulk metals, used oil, anti-freeze & car batteries. Also, clean yard and inert waste (but no plastic bags).


*The Whitehall and Boulder container site has a Class III (inert waste) disposal pit. Items that can be disposed of in the Group III waste pit include wood and non-water-soluble solids such as concrete, brick, vehicle tires, brush and unpainted lumber.