Jefferson County Road Department
Jefferson County Road & Bridge Department The Jefferson County Road and Bridge Department is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 775 miles of roads, spread across 1,662 square miles in Jefferson County. These roads are a mixture of recycled asphalt, chip seal, gravel, and non-maintained roads. Maintenance responsibilities consist of snow removal, grading, pothole repair, sign maintenance, culverts, and bridge maintenance. The Road Department consists of three road districts: Montana City, Boulder, and Whitehall. Our crews strive to provide the highest level of service while working to improve public safety for all residents and visitors to our county. To report an issue with a county road, or for questions regarding projects and maintenance, you can contact our main office at 406-225-4158 or you can submit an Online Service Request. Current office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 12:00 pm, and 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Our office staff will sometimes work in the field, or in other offices, so we recommend calling prior to visiting our office. Road Crew hours are Monday through Thursday, 6:00 am to 4:30 pm Road Crews are also scheduled on weekends during storm events. Information about common concerns can be found in the FAQ’s.
Snow Removal Policy
Central Shop Building
111 Odyssey Lane
PO Box H
Boulder MT 59632
Ph: (406) 225-4158
Fax: (406) 225-4169