Public Health Department
The County Health Department offers vaccinations on a sliding fee scale basis. Below are the recommended vaccinations by age.
WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
WIC is now available in Jefferson County. Contact Jefferson County Health Department for information on eligibility or to set up an appointment.
HIV Screening
Your job as a parent is one of the important jobs ever! Check out the Montana resource for more information on parenting: https://parentingmontana.org/
Pam Hanna, RN
Department Supervisor
Molly Carey
Clinic Coordinator
Tonna O’Neill, RN
WIC, Home Visits and Immunizations
Erin Ritchie, RN
School and Daycare Nursing
Jesse Hauer
Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Boulder Office
Monday-Wednesday Friday: 8:00 – 4:30
Tuesday-Thursday: 8:30-12:00
PO Box 872
214 S. Main
Boulder, MT 59634
Phone: (406) 225-4007
Fax: (406) 225-4108
Immunizations by appointment only
Whitehall Office
Tuesdays: 1:00 – 3:30
11 E. Legion
Whitehall MT 59759
Phone: (406) 287-3249
Phone: (406) 225-4007
Scheduled Immunizations
Blood Pressure Checks
Flu shots are available; you must call for an appointment
Clancy Office
Fridays: 1:00 – 4:00
Old Clancy Elementary School
3 N Main St
(across from Clancy Post Office)
Clancy, MT 59634
Phone: (406)225-4007
Scheduled Immunizations
Blood Pressure Checks