Planning Department

The Planning Department works with the Jefferson County Commissioners, County boards, County departments, and federal, state, and local governments to promote responsible development, growth, and land uses in Jefferson County.


Tasks assigned to the Planning Department include:

General long-range planning
Growth Policy development and implementation
Developing & reviewing new planning regulations and regulation updates, revisions and amendments
Subdivision review
Zoning administration and permitting
Survey review committee
Rural Improvement Districts (RIDs) and Rural Management Districts (RMDs)
Permit coordination 

Planning Board

The Planning Board typically meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month but may hold other public meetings as needed. Meetings are usually held in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office Meeting Room. The current agenda can be found here.

Name Location Appointed Term Expires
Arica Klapan Whitehall (chair) 2/1/2022 1/31/2024
Christina Binkowski Boulder (vice chair) 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
Gerry Keogh (conservation district rep) 2/1/2022 1/31/2024

2/1/2022 1/31/2024
Mike Ferriter Montana City 2/1/2023
2/1/2023 1/31/2025
Joseph Dunn Montana City 5/10/2022 1 /31/2024
Susan Pullman MT HWY 69 5/31/2022 1/31/2024
vacant 2/1/2023 1/31/2025
Capital Improvements Plan and Fire Needs Assessment

In 2019, Jefferson County hired Great West Engineering and Fire Logistics Incorporated to create a capital improvements plan, inspect and inventory conditions of some county roads, and complete a fire needs assessment. The consultants completed their work in 2019 and 2020 and documents have been created to memorialize that information. Great West has produced the Jefferson County Capital Improvements Plan (dated October 2020) and the Jefferson County Road Inventories Map Series (dated October 2020). Fire Logistics Incorporated, with the assistance of Great West Engineering, produced the Jefferson County Fire Needs Assessment (dated July 2020). These documents will serve as guiding documents to assist the County Commission as it plans for future capital improvement projects and plans for increased public service needs associated with growth and development.

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