DUI Taskforce
It is the mission of this Task Force to reduce alcohol and drug related motor vehicle crashes, injuries and deaths in Jefferson County. Efforts will include education regarding alcohol/ drug consequences, promotion of healthy choices and community involvement.
Task Force Meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month, in the Clerk and Recorder’s Conference Room in Boulder. Meetings begin at 5:00 pm. The Public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Tom Gimsrud, Chair, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
- Kellie Doherty, Jefferson County Attorney’s Office
- Barb Reiter, DUI TF Coordinator
- Sue Pasini, Secretrary
- Cassidy Parsons, Vice Chair
- Tammy Perkins & Mike Zufelt , MT Highway Patrol
- Cory Kirsch, County Commissioner
- Kathy Dyer, Citizen Board Member
- Pam Hanna, Jefferson County School Nurse
- Lee Benner, retired teacher

Additional Resources:
Junior Member Application:
The DUI Taskforce is currently looking for new junior members. Junior members work with the task force to educate their peers and the Jefferson County community about safe driving and DUI prevention.