Jefferson County Museum
Our Museum has been open since 2004. Open all year.
The purpose of the County Museum shall be to preserve and promote culturally and historically significant sites and heritage throughout the county to cooperate and assist in establishing and maintaining any museums in Jefferson County.
The Jefferson County museum and its Preservation Board also shall:
- Manage heritage properties, historical sites and antiquities owned by Jefferson County
- Identify privately owned heritage properties and paleontological remains and register those in need of protection
- Preserve and protect any property or object donated or loaned to Jefferson County that has intrinsic historic, artistic, scientific or cultural value
- Encourage the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of historic sites and buildings and heritage properties in Jefferson County
- Victoria Cech; Chair
- Jim Brown; Vice Chair
- Sherry Carlson
- Jamie Guenther
- Shani Rich
- Cheryl Vukasin
- Nancy Scusa
- Haley Pesta
Jefferson County Museum Collection Online
Currently we have displays on Homesteaders, early settlers and ranching; Native Americans, and Railroads.
The Railroad Exhibit includes artifacts, photos and documents related to the multiple railroads once in the county. There is a model of the Amazon Tunnel, a tunnel in Jefferson County over a mile long that can still be accessed and driven through. Stories shared are of train crashes, mail by train, and a president’s visit by train are included in the exhibit.
Mining and Kiln Exhibit: Lee Silliman’s exhibit of kilns throughout Montana are on display along with the
Jefferson County Mining posters created by the Jefferson High School American History class.The
Cowboy and Rodeo Exhibit includes artifacts from Jefferson County ranches, specifically from the Dahl Ranch (Warm Springs Creek), Carlson Ranch (Basin/Bernice), Marks Ranch (Lump Gulch) and others. On display are wooly chaps from Mike Quinn, Boulder valley rancher and rodeo stock provider; items such as horse hair halters (handmade) and artwork on cowboy hats; and a model of the Marks family barn. As this part of the exhibit is phased out, we will add more Jefferson County ranches and artifacts. We are always looking to include more Jefferson County ranchers in our display.
Thanks to the Boulder Heritage Center for their chaps, horsehair halter and multiple photos and artifacts. Thanks to the Montana Historical Society photo archives for their photos and information. Thanks to the Marks, Dahl, and Carlson ranches for MANY photos and artifacts. Thanks to the Bell family for the Elkhorn RR Water tank model and information. Thanks to Lee Silliman for another great traveling exhibit.
Last fall the Jefferson County Commissioners approved funding for Jefferson County newspapers from 1885-1925 made accessible at Home « Montana Newspapers. This has proven to be a very valuable asset in researching this period. We are now seeking funding to add the Jefferson County Newspapers from 1926-1960.
We continue to add to the online database. At this time 2,808 items from our collection can be viewed at Online Collections | Jefferson County Museum MT
We have a patron research area at the museum for use by all. This includes to research family histories and for research into all newspapers on it’s site. On our patron computer there is a group of land abstracts for properties in the Clancy area that can be accessed from the generosity of Bob Marks. The computer also has some videos of previous speakers at the museum.
Phone: (406) 224-5106
Summer Hours:
Tuesday 12 pm – 4 pm
Friday 12 pm – 4 pm
Saturday 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
Jefferson County Museum
5 North Main Street
P.O. Box 46
Clancy, Mt 59634