Concealed Carry Permits
Montana law prohibits the carrying of concealed weapons inside city, town or logging camp limits and contains some limits on the carrying of concealed weapons outside of city limits. However, a person may carry concealed weapons in many instances if he or she has a permit to do so. Concealed weapons permits are available to Montana residents. Montana also recognizes concealed weapons permits from some other states. Non-residents must meet the following criteria to carry a concealed weapon in Montana:
- The state that issued their permit must require a criminal records background check for issuance of a permit.
- The permit must be in the holder’s possession.
- The permit holder must have photo identification.
To obtain a Montana concealed weapons permit, a person must have been a Montana resident for at least six months, must be a U.S. citizen and must be at least 18 years old. Applications are available from the local county sheriffs office.
Local regulations may restrict the carrying of concealed weapons at public meetings, in public parks and buildings, and in schools.Local county sheriffs can provide information on where concealed weapons are prohibited in their counties.
Montana has no prohibitions against carrying a weapon in a motor vehicle, although federal rules apply in national parks.
Requirements for Permits
- U. S. Citizen
- 18 years or older
- Must have valid Mont. Driver’s License or other picture I.D. issued by the state of Montana
- Must be a resident of the State for at least 6 months or more
- Must show proof of safety education qualification or approved firearms safety training course and satisfactory completion
Duplicate Hunters Education Certificates can be printed from the Fish Wildlife and Parks website: - Must properly fill out application form and SIGN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE SHERIFF’S ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT.
- Fingerprints and picture will be done at the sheriff’s office. The application has to be accompanied by a non-refundable $55.00 fee ($25.00 for renewal and a $50.00 fee for expired permits)
- Accepted payment methods are exact cash or check only.
- CHANGE OF COUNTY RESIDENCY: Applicant, if granted a permit must within 10 days inform Sheriff and Chief of Police of both counties if county residence is changed
- RENEWALS: MCA 45-8-322(3) states in part: The permit must be renewed for additional 4-year periods upon payment of a $25.00 fee per renewal and upon request for renewal made within 90 days before expiration of the permit.
- There will be no exceptions.
Tom A Grimsrud
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
Box 588
Boulder, MT 59632
Ph: (406) 225-4075
Amanda Morgan
Administrative Assistant to Sheriff Doolittle
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
Box 588
Boulder, MT 59632
Phone: (406) 225-4079
*Appointments are required for new and renewal permits. Due to the amount of permit requests, please plan for your appointment to be 30-60 days out.